Walking a Spiritual Path

What it is

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How it works

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The Bahá’í teachings emphasize that each person is in charge of his or her own spiritual development. Through prayer, meditation, reflection and contemplation on the Word of God, and through individual and collective action in service of humanity, Bahá’ís pursue a path of spiritual development.


There is no clergy in the Bahá’í Faith. While the responsibility for spiritual growth ultimately rests with each individual, institutions exist to guide and help release the energies of individual Bahá’ís and Bahá’í community life is characterized by an atmosphere of cordial consultation and encouragement. Together, we strengthen our relationship with our Creator.


The dynamics of walking a spiritual path is a theme that Bahá’ís, both individually and collectively, are constantly exploring in their activities and consultations. Certain aspects are clear: that simply focusing on oneself proves counter-productive; that the path is to be walked in the company of others—each giving and receiving love, assistance and encouragement; that the tendency to allow self-righteousness to take hold needs to be conscientiously resisted; and that humility is a requisite of progress.

No soul walking this spiritual path may make a claim to perfection. Each Bahá’í is asked to make daily effort to progressively reflect in his or her conduct the standards described by Bahá’u’lláh, no matter how difficult to attain they may seem.

A thorough explanation of Bahá’í belief on this subject, including articles and topic collections on the human soul, prayer, meditation, and the development of spiritual qualities, can be found in the section titled “The Life of the Spirit” within the “What Bahá’ís Believe” area of the website of the worldwide Baha’i Community, www.bahai.org


For a more in-depth presentation see Walking a Spiritual Path on Bahai.org.

How to Participate

Fill out the form below to learn how you can participate with others in your community who are “Walking A Spiritual Path” here in Hawaiʻi! You are welcome to join study circles—open to people of all faiths and none—to explore this and other topics.

Media Gallery

Images from Bahá’í Community Development initiatives in Hawaiʻi