So you are here to enquire after my health? Praise God, I am quite well,” He said. Then He told me to take a seat. As He began to write, the following utterances were revealed: “Nothing affects me more than the actions and conduct of the friends. The main reason I was ill over the last few days was a letter I had received from Persia describing the misdeeds deeds and misconduct of one of the believers. The news brought me such pain and sorrow that I fell ill and had to stay in bed until last night, when Mirza Haydar-‘Ali delivered a letter from ‘Ishqabad bearing news of the good deeds of one of the friends. It made me so happy that I became well. So if the believers wish for my happiness, they must adorn them heavenly character and conduct.” He continued in this vein with further admonitions, until He said, “It is because of this that I have always said that my well-being and its opposite are in the hands of the friends. ~ Memories of Nine Years in Akka, Youness Khan Afroukhteh