2023: Baháʼí s Share Review of the Year

The Baháʼí World News Service has released a video that surveys some of the accomplishments of the worldwide Baháʼí community in 2023.

Throughout the world, including the Hawaiian Islands, Baháʼí individuals, communities, and institutions are engaged in a range of activities that aim to release the society-building powers of the teachings of Bahá’u’lláh (1817-1892), the Founder of their Faith. 

As Baháʼí s work to bring unity and peace, they are aware of the suffering that is affecting many around the world. In a letter released in November, the Universal House of Justice, the international governing council of the Baháʼí community, noted that:

Involvement at all these levels of society becomes more pressing as the process of the disintegration of the old world order intensifies and discourse becomes increasingly coarsened and polarized, leading to the recrudescence of conflict among the competing factions and ideologies that divide humanity.

The 10-minute video can be viewed below

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